God(hart's law)

vivianimbriotis | Sept. 5, 2019, 1:38 p.m.

It is a little-known fact that gods live and die on worship. Zeus, for instance, had been dead for a long time now. Some American flies a kite, and someone in a white coat mutters something about electrons and air currents, and all the magic flees from the lightning bolts - and with it, the bearded father of Mount Olympus goes “pop”.

But whenever a kid really, really likes the scenes from Disney’s Hercules with Zeus in them, he cracks an eye and gives them a little static shock out of spite before discorporating again.

But for many humans, the creation of new human life, the act of reproducing and bringing into being a new consciousness, still holds an ineffable sacredness; Mother Venus, goddess of fertility and childbirth and progeny lived, perched on the last bit of the firmament that hadn’t given way to stratosphere. There she sat, picking petals off a mile-wide flower and humming a little tune.

And in the Year of Our Lord (and HE had enough worshippers to be able to give her some, Venus though grumpily) 2017, Venus decided it was past time for her to elect a Chosen One. She had just enough divine power left to her, after all. And it was a good investment - the worship that arose around a Chose One empowered a god like nothing else.

She chose a young boy named Chad.

Venus blessed Chad with virility, with a rugged masculine beauty, with strength, and with such ethereal traits of wit and charm as he would need to fulfil her purpose. What human could resist him? What earthly being could avoid his draw? She blessed him until her divine power until barely a sip remained - a long-term, low-risk investment.

Venus was a fragment now, a mere gust of breeze on Chad’s brow. She knew her work would be rewarded soon. Chad was seventeen, nearing adulthood, and he’d been talking with a lovely girl named Stacey. He was enamoured, and her likewise, the precious lovebirds. Venus would have smiled fondly if she’d still had the strength to manifest lips. They were in love, that wild first-love that grips a person and hurls them into adulthood, into parenthood, into the creation of a new life - that special kind of sacredness that would elevate her to new heights of power and renown among the gods.

On his eighteenth birthday, Chad bought four packs of condoms, and the gust of wind that was Venus went “pop”.


Goodhart’s law is a concept originally from economics, but now applied to policy-making in general, AI safety, and any other field that tries to optimise a thing. “Any measure that becomes a target ceases to be a good measure,” or in its original formulation, “Any observed statistical regularity will tend to collapse once pressure is placed upon it for control purposes.” If you begin optimising for something that has historically correlated with what you really want, you might find that the relationship between them breaks down.

A formalisation and subtyping of Goodhart's law

It's relevant to medicine I promise

About Viv

Mid-twenties lost cause.
Trapped in a shrinking cube.
Bounded on the whimsy on the left and analysis on the right.
Bounded by mathematics behind me and medicine in front of me.
Bounded by words above me and raw logic below.
Will be satisfied when I have a fairytale romance, literally save the entire world, and write the perfect koan.

Winston | Feb. 15, 2024, 3:16 a.m.

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Winston | May 13, 2024, 7:48 a.m.

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Daniel Sanderson | May 16, 2024, 5:27 a.m.

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Daniel Sanderson | May 22, 2024, 7:48 a.m.

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Cameron Cowan | May 29, 2024, 4:32 p.m.

I thought I'd contact you here as I didn't hear back from you from my email last week! It's Cameron from The Cameron Journal again. I've been reaching out because I'm looking at helping organizations like yours achieve your goals this year. I can consult with you, your teams or your whole company on how to navigate these tough times. I have my finger on the pulse of the latest trends in marketing, business, culture, and geopolitics. I know I can help you. I know its hard to figure out how to position new products, services or your whole organization in this fluid environment we find ourselves in. I'm helping organizations like yours figure this all out. Our world is rapdily changing and if you're reading the news headlines and your confused about how to reach your goals as a company in this post-pandemic environment then I think I can help. Whether its consulting or speaking to your organization, teams, or at an event, I can help you start to figure things out. Let's connect and see how I can help your organization! Cheers, Cameron Lee Cowan 720-841-7752 The Cameron Journal

Daniel Sanderson | June 4, 2024, 7:29 a.m.

I'm reaching out to explore potential collaborations where I can bring my proven track record in sales and marketing to your team. What sets me apart is my ability to generate high-quality leads that convert to sales without requiring upfront costs. My approach for your business would be custom, ensuring immediate gains and sustainable growth. I have a strong commitment to delivering measurable results and I guarantee improvements in your sales metrics which is why I'm not asking for anything up front. Would you be available for a quick call to explore how we can work together? Daniel Sanderson Planksip 916-634-1928