Invocation 1

vivianimbriotis | July 23, 2023, 8:48 p.m.

May there still be moss for you to walk on.

May there still be people for you to love.

May there still be events for you to talk on

And dinner parties and hail and doves.


May there still be sunsets for you to ignore

May there still be rain for you to catch upon your tongue

May there still be larrikins to abhor

And daisies and roses and foxgloves.


May things change, but not change too much.

May things still be fundamentally the same

May we go forth into the future hopeful, and brave, and untame.

About Viv

Mid-twenties lost cause.
Trapped in a shrinking cube.
Bounded on the whimsy on the left and analysis on the right.
Bounded by mathematics behind me and medicine in front of me.
Bounded by words above me and raw logic below.
Will be satisfied when I have a fairytale romance, literally save the entire world, and write the perfect koan.